Am I too old?

Am I too old?

You need multiple streams of income. James Altucher said so. ” The average multimillionaire has 7 different sources of income and a job is only one source”. Most of the books I have read talk about this concept. The very first book I read that stirred the...
The only constant is change

The only constant is change

Every time I think I have my life sorted out, life throws a big messy curve ball. In 2015 I fell in love with a man, who does not love me, but still I held on. Why? Because I am naïve enough to believe that people can change and become the best version of themselves I...

Who Will You Spend Time with This Year?

As I reflect back on the year-from-hell I noticed that I had cleared a lot of relationship clutter from my mental closet. I reluctantly released those relationships that were draining me and causing me pain. I say reluctantly because they are people I care about, but...
Authenticity has a price

Authenticity has a price

Last week I wrote a blog post that detailed a very painful part of my life (R.I.P. Doormat Diana). My decision to write it was to help me be authentic to myself and hopefully help just one other person who was going through a similar situation. In the post I used very...


For the next few years I barely made a living doing people’s books for them. It was dull, boring and mind numbing work but it kept me from drowning. I hated every minute of it. Every now and then, I would think about starting my own business again but I would crush...
A Brief History

A Brief History

For most of my adult life I always believed that running my own business was the way to go, so as early as 1986, I started my own accounting software consulting business. I had no accounting training but I had an absolute passion for computers. I was excited about the...
Making a Mistake

Making a Mistake

Mistakes are a valuable lesson. When you make mistakes you have two options on how to deal with it: you can either run away or you can deal with it. I made a mistake over the weekend. I sent out an email to one of my lists recommending a product from someone that I...