Sh*t Happens … And it is all good.

Last night my office roof collapsed and my office and bedroom were flooded. This was just another event in a long, long string of events. Just a week ago it was my car that broke down. Before that it was the accident that I had while being towed, and then the car...

Operation Awesome

My business has improved over the last year in leaps and bounds compared to 2013. I made some significant changes during 2014 and they have paid off. I still have challenges to overcome though and my income is not at a level where it can sustain me consistently on a...

Honesty is the best policy. Or is it?

Recently I was asked to leave a Facebook group because I posted a two star review on an author’s book on Amazon. The administrator of the group had very valid reasons for asking me to leave as he considers his group a support group and he felt that my review...

When You Feel Like Giving Up

This morning at 4am I woke up from one of my nightmares that happen now and then. I have no idea what the dream was about, but I woke up sobbing my heart out, and a sense of complete and utter dread that overwhelmed me and left me gasping for air. I lay there trying...

Who Defines Your Success?

  My life is a success! It’s not defined by what you think is success, but by what I think of as success. My life is not a success because I have a stable income, or own my own house, drive a fancy car or take long expensive holidays whenever the mood takes me....

Who Will You Spend Time with This Year?

As I reflect back on the year-from-hell I noticed that I had cleared a lot of relationship clutter from my mental closet. I reluctantly released those relationships that were draining me and causing me pain. I say reluctantly because they are people I care about, but...

Don’t be your own worst enemy!

The voices you hear in your head telling you that you are worthless, ugly, useless and will never achieve success are not those of your friends, family or enemies. Someone may have said it to you in the past or treated you like sewage or ridiculed you. They may have...

All it takes is three words

During October this year I had a major falling out with someone over an incident involving my son. In my rage and indignation I vomited my disgust out on Facebook. This is an excerpt of what I posted at the time. “What kind of woman leaves a child behind at...

A letter addressed to the year 2014

It is sometimes suggested that you write a letter to yourself as a younger person, letting the younger ‘you’ know what became of their dreams, hopes and aspirations. I cannot see the point of that. That young, idealistic and naive Diana is long gone. What is left is...
A Fire Walk? Are You Loco?

A Fire Walk? Are You Loco?

‘Loco’ was just one of the adjectives that I received today after posting some photos on Facebook about the fire walk I did last night. So why did I do it? At the beginning of the year I went through a very bad patch in my life and I wanted to do something that would...
I have a Plan. Do You?

I have a Plan. Do You?

A few months ago I made a decision that I needed to setup multiple streams of income and they needed to be done fast. The goal is that in 10 year’s I have multiple sites or businesses that are generating revenue without too much day-to-day work being involved....